
Roseau County Board Proceedings November 24, 2020 – Page 1 Publications - Page 1 Publications


The Board of Commissioners of Roseau County, Minnesota met in the Courthouse in the City of Roseau on Tuesday, November 24, 2020.


The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Board Chair Roger Falk. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Commissioners present

were Roger Falk, John Horner, and Russell Walker, while Jack Swanson and Daryl Wicklund attended through ZOOM. Others present were Martie

Monsrud, Jeff Pelowski, Joleen Kezar, Myles Hogenson, and Dennis Johnson, and others attending through ZOOM were Daryle Dahl, Sue Grafstrom,

Martin Howes, Kristy Kjos, Karla Langaas, Pam Shaw, Chris Stauffer, Mike Flaagen, and Ryan Murray.


The Board approved the Agenda.


Coordinator Pelowski requested the Board contact the Coordinator’s Office if they plan to register for the Association of Minnesota Counties

(AMC) Annual Virtual Meeting to be held on December 7, 2020. In addition, he stated that the Agenda and Minutes for the December 1, 2020,

Operations Committee Meeting/County Board Work Session, December 1st Highway Committee meeting, and the December 1st Regular Board meeting

will all be sent out tomorrow (November 25th); and, he noted that a joint meeting (virtual) with Kittson County is scheduled for December 2, 2020, 1:00

p.m., to discuss the shared Highway Engineer position as well as Joint Ditch levies.


The Board approved the payment of bills totaling: $3,743,098.97

In addition, the Board approved the following forthwith payments: CDW Government, Inc. in the amount of $10,560.00 for Social Services

equipment; Dvergsten Heating & Cooling in the amount of $41,461.00 for Highway Department facility equipment; and, T & T Auto Parts in the amount of

$151.45 for repair of a County-owned vehicle.


Myles Hogenson, Roseau/LOW Sportsman’s Club – 2021 ATV Grant-in-Aid Agreement

Myles Hogenson met with the Board to present an ATV Grant-in-Aid Agreement for Board consideration. Mr. Hogenson commented that the trails

have been getting a lot of use and are in need of significant repairs. He requested the use of any available County-owned equipment to assist with some of

the repair projects. He also requested that Coordinator Pelowski contact Erica Davis, MnDNR, regarding the status of the Clear River project. Following

discussion, the Board approved the following Resolution of Support for the grant application:


BE IT RESOLVED that Roseau County supports the Roseau-Lake of the Woods Sportsman’s Club/North Star Trail Alliance (Alliance) Grant

Funding Application and agrees to act as legal sponsor for funding received from the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for

maintenance of proposed trails by the Alliance.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon approval of its application by the State, Roseau County may enter into an agreement with the State

of Minnesota and will comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations and conditions as stated in the agreement.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Roseau County hereby agrees to serve as the fiscal agent for the trails maintained by the Alliance and

authorizes the Board Chair to sign all related documents on behalf of Roseau County.


At 9:00 a.m., the Board opened the Public Hearing in order to receive public input for the proposed road vacation west of Roseau. Board Chair

Falk asked if we had received any written comments. No written comments were received prior to the Hearing. Board Chair Falk then asked for any oral

comments. There were no oral comments provided at the Hearing. The Board closed the Public Hearing. Following discussion, the Board approved the

following Resolution:



WHEREAS, the County Board of Roseau County, Minnesota, at a regular meeting on August 11, 2020, passed a motion to consider vacating

a portion of old Trunk Hwy 11, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §164.06 and §164.07.

WHEREAS, the portion of old Trunk Hwy 11 proposed to be vacated contains the following legal description:

The Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW . NW .) of Section 21, Township 162 North, Range 40 West; which lies

within a distance of 75 feet on each side of the following described line: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Section 21;

thence run westerly on north line of said section to the north quarter corner thereof; thence continue westerly on the last above

described course 1252.8 feet; thence deflect to the left on a 3º00’ curve (delta angle 27º03’) for 901.7 feet; thence on tangent to

said curve for 700 feet and there terminating containing 2.20 acres, more or less, in addition to the existing highways.

WHEREAS, all affected landowners have agreed to provide easements to all other affected landowners for private access for ingress and

egress to the subject area and upon recorded documentation of the same, recorded in the office of the Roseau County Recorder, a portion of old Trunk

Hwy 11 will be vacated.

WHEREAS, the County Board scheduled a Public Hearing to consider the vacation of a portion of said road; and

WHEREAS, a Public Hearing to consider the vacation of a portion of such road was held on the 24th day of November, 2020, 9:00 a.m. before

the Roseau County Board of Commissioners. Prior to the Public Hearing, all board members viewed the site of the road vacation of a portion of Old Trunk

Hwy 11 as described above. Following the viewing at the portion of Old Trunk Hwy 11, the Public Hearing was held at the Roseau County Courthouse,

606 5th Ave SW, Roseau, MN 56751 at the posted date and time for public comment and consideration.

WHEREAS, notice of said Public Hearing was duly published, together with personal mailed notice to all affected property owners by the

Roseau County Auditor/Recorder on the 10th day of November, 2020, and all interested and affected persons were given an opportunity to voice their

concerns and be heard; and

WHEREAS, an person, corporation or public body owning or controlling easements contained upon the property vacated, reserves the right to

continue maintaining the same or to enter upon such way or portion thereof vacated to maintain, repair, replace or otherwise attend thereto; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners in its discretion has determined that the vacation will benefit the public interests as there is access

to the surrounding County Roads by other well established nearby roadways and this portion is no longer a benefit to the public road system.

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners, by unanimous vote concur in this Resolution;


that vacation is hereby granted and a portion of old Trunk Hwy. 11 is hereby vacated:

EFFECTIVE DATE: The vacation of this portion of Old Trunk Hwy. 11 herein described will be effective upon the recording in the office of the

Roseau County Recorder of private easements allowing all affected landowners ingress and egress to the subject real property.


The Board, by adoption of its Consent Agenda, approved the November 10, 2020, Regular Board Proceedings; approved the Roseau/LOW

Sportsman’s Club Request for Reimbursement in the amount of $1,710.00; approved the authorization to pay all claims/warrants received by the

Auditor’s office from November 24, 2020, through December 31, 2020, forthwith; and, approved the job title change for Nick Herling from “Appraiser

Trainee” to “Deputy Assessor”, and the corresponding pay grade change from 5C to 7A, effective November 17, 2020.


Environmental Services

Ordinance No. 31 – Proposed Extension

Coordinator Pelowski requested Board approval for a three year extension of the existing solid waste management fee schedule, which sunsets on

December 31, 2020. Following discussion, the Board approved the extension of the solid waste management fee schedule through December 31, 2023.


Final Payment – Knife River Materials

Assistant Engineer Dahl requested Board approval of final payment to Knife River Materials, in the amount of $111,860.77, for 2020 Bituminous

Projects, S.A.P. 068-612-025, S.A.P. 068-678-003, and S.A.P. 068-679-001. The Board approved the final payment to Knife River Materials.

Social Services

Social Services Director Langaas requested Board approval of a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) between Roseau County Social Services and the

Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) concerning the Minnesota Family Investment & Diversity Work Programs,

(MFIP/DWP). Following discussion, the Board approved the JPA.


COVID-19 Pandemic – Update

Emergency Manager Grafstrom provided a brief County update: it appears that a vaccine will be ready at the State level the second week of

December for health care workers; Roseau County positive cases has exceeded 1,000; and, the “It’s Up to Me” Ad campaign has been launched.

Coordinator Pelowski provided an update on the CARES Act Funding Program, and he stated that the Northwestern Minnesota Juvenile Center

has sent a request for a second payment of CARES funding from the County. The County paid $5,887.88 for the first round of funding, and they are now

requesting an additional $15,807.61. Following discussion, the Board approved to pay a total of $10,000.00 of CARES Act funding, (the maximum amount that

was paid to other Non-Profits in the County), to the NW MN Juvenile Center.

Engineering Contract Extension

Coordinator Pelowski requested Board approval to extend the current Engineering Agreement with Pennington County for an additional two

months. Following discussion, the Board approved the Contract extension through January 31, 2021.

Highway Maintenance Facility

Commissioner Horner requested the Board purchase the three lots, located in the Roseau Industrial Park, from the City of Roseau for $50,000.00,

and to move forward with construction of the Highway Maintenance Facility Project. Coordinator Pelowski provided a handout from Ehlers on a draft schedule

of events for the possible issuance of general obligation capital improvement bonds to finance the Project. Commissioner Wicklund commented on the

Geotechnical Engineering Report developed by Terracon and discussed the load bearing capability necessary for the building and the heavy equipment that

would be stored in the facility. Following a lengthy discussion, the Board approved by a 3 to 2 vote, (roll call vote), with Commissioners Horner, Swanson, and

Walker voting yes and Commissioners Falk and Wicklund voting no, to request the Highway Department facilitate the purchase of Industrial Park land, from

the City of Roseau for $50,000.00, and to move forward with the Highway Maintenance Facility Project. It was noted that Commissioner Falk supports the

new facility, but he voted no because he is not sure the three identified lots in the Industrial Park are the most suitable lots available.

City of Roseau Apartment Project – Resolution of Support

The City of Roseau requested Board approval of a Resolution of Support for the proposed “Eleven01” Apartment Project, and for the City’s efforts

to secure State funding for a portion of the Project. The project would consist of a 37-unit market rate apartment complex. Following discussion, the Board

approved the following Resolution:





BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board (the “Board”) of Roseau County, Minnesota (the “County”) as follows:

WHEREAS, the County is a body politic and corporate and a political subdivision duly organized and existing under the Constitution and laws

of the State of Minnesota; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, particularity Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through

469.1799, as amended, the County is authorized to use tax increment financing to carry out the public purposes described therein and contemplated

thereby; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, particularity Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.1812 through

469.1815, as amended, the County is authorized to use tax abatement financing after the tax increment financing has expired to further carry out the public

purposes described therein and contemplated thereby; and

WHEREAS, a proposal has been made by the Roseau EDA (the “Owner”) and D.W. Jones, Inc. (the “Developer”) to construct a 37-unit

apartment building in the City of Roseau, Minnesota, which project is to be known as The Eleven01 Apartments at 100% market-rate and no income

restricted units (the “Project”); and

WHEREAS, the Developer will submit an application for the Project pursuant to the Minnesota Housing Finance Authority’s Workforce Housing

Development Program in order to obtain grant funding of up to $1,500,000 that requires a local match of at least 50% of the funding request; and

WHEREAS, it is estimated that the tax increment and tax abatement generated from the proposed Project has a present value of approximately

$598,228 at 3% over a 25-year period; and

WHEREAS, the Project would be located on land that is currently owned by the City of Roseau; and

WHEREAS, the Developer and Owner have submitted its development proposal to the County and the County is supportive to the process of

creating an economic development (workforce housing) tax increment financing district in support of the Project; and

WHEREAS, the Developer has also submitted its development proposal to the County and the County is supportive to the process of creating

a tax abatement program to begin after the tax increment financing district has expired in further consideration of the Project; and

WHEREAS, the County wishes to support the Project and directs staff to work with the Developer and Owner to take the steps necessary to

create a tax increment financing district and tax abatement program for the Project.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Roseau County that the County supports the Project, and pending final

determination of project eligibility, required reviews, public input, notices and hearings, and without surrendering its legislative discretion, hereby authorizes

staff to proceed with the steps required to establish a tax increment financing district and tax abatement program for the Project; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that County staff, in connection with the activities required to be undertaken by the County, continue its analysis

of the Project, negotiate the terms and conditions of a development contract with the Developer or an affiliate whose general partner is controlled by the

Developer, and prepare a development plan, tax increment financing plan and tax abatement program for the Project, all subject to final determination of

project eligibility, required reviews, public input notices and hearings.

This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage.

Commissioner Committee Reports (November 10, 2020 – November 24, 2020)

Commissioner Falk reported on the following committee(s): Highway Committee; Canvassing Board; Social Services Board; Natural Resources

Joint Powers; Roseau County Extension Committee.

Commissioner Horner reported on the following committee(s): Highway Committee; Canvassing Board; Association of Minnesota Counties

General Government Policy Committee; Social Services Board; Lake Township Board.

Commissioner Swanson reported on the following committee(s): Highway Committee; Statewide Emergency Communications Board Finance

Committee; Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative True North Collaborative; Team EPIC; National Association of Counties Community, Economic,

Workforce Development Committee; Roseau County COVID Communications Committee; Roseau County Law Library Committee; Roseau County

Emergency Management COVID Stakeholders; Association of Minnesota Counties Public Safety Policy Committee; Roseau School Board; Social Services

Board; Northwest Minnesota Community Housing Development Organization; Northwest Minnesota Multi-County Housing and Redevelopment Authority; AMC

University of MN Extension Memorandum of Agreement; AMC Policy Coordinating Committee; Renville County Housing Committee; Roseau County

Extension Committee.

Commissioner Walker reported on the following committee(s): Highway Committee; Natural Resources Joint Powers; Social Services Board.

Commissioner Wicklund reported on the following committee(s): Highway Committee; Social Services Board; Household Hazardous Waste Joint

Powers Board; Two Rivers Watershed Board.

Upon motion carried, the Board adjourned the Regular meeting at 11:05 a.m. The next Regular meeting of the Board is scheduled for

Tuesday, December 1, 2020, at 5:00 p.m.

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